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Is Trampoline Jumping Safe For Kids?

by Yi Liu 25 Jun 2021

Many parents and sources have cited the potential for injury when using a trampoline. Just like in all physical activities for children, there is truly potential for injury if not cautious. Children are smart and resilient when it comes to physical exercise when the right precautions are in place.

The following blog highlights some of the main concerns for safety with trampolines and LeJump’s response to these safety concerns. We know that you care for the well-being of your children, and we wish to provide them with a safe and unique way to get outside and have fun with our safety-focused outdoor trampoline designs.

LeJump’s Focus on Safety and Injury Prevention

The risk of trampoline injuries is present for children but is certainly avoidable with the proper safety steps. You will find within all LeJump user manuals, and on the trampoline, we highlight all of the safety precautions to follow when using the trampoline.

There is a risk for sprains and fractures to happen and head injuries and neck pain while trampolining. With the right trampoline safety features and proper supervision, your children can enjoy safe fun in your own backyard.

Here are some of the key safety ideas to keep in mind when using the trampoline:

  • Set the trampoline up properly.

    LeJump includes all of the necessities when it comes to safety. Our trampolines utilize a strong safety net that surrounds the entire jump mat. Additionally, we include our famous spring cover pad that protects children from the springs of the trampolines. Be sure to check these safety features for wear and tear over time.

  • Check the Surroundings.

    When setting up the trampoline, be sure that you are placing it in a safe location. We strongly recommend that the trampoline is placed at least six feet away from any other structures, such as your home. Pay close attention to overhead hazards like trees or wiring.

  • Check Your Child’s Ability.

    Different children have different abilities when it comes to playing on the trampoline. Based on your child’s age, you can determine if the outdoor trampoline is suitable for your family. LeJump does not recommend outdoor trampolining for children under the age of six.

  • Always Keep an Eye Out.

    While there are children on the trampoline, be sure that there is always parental or adults supervising the trampoline. This will make sure that kids follow the rules and are not doing anything too dangerous to put them at risk of injury.

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