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Trampoline Winterization | How-To

by Cole Osborne 28 Oct 2021

Why Winterize a Trampoline?

Winterization of your trampoline allows safe storage or use in the off-season. In addition, this protects the trampoline from any unnecessary weathering. This winterization process just takes an hour or two but can save you a bunch of hassle and even future expense if you properly winterize it.

This guide defines what winterizing is for a trampoline and how it can change the life of your favorite outdoor activity tool.

How To Winterize Your Trampoline

Is your trampoline going to be used in the winter? If you plan on using the trampoline all year, there are some things you can do to keep it safe from the elements.

If you plan NOT to use the trampoline in the wintertime:

Place it somewhere dry. Invest in a cover to ensure the greatest protection. In addition to protecting it from dirt, debris, and changing weather conditions, a covered trampoline will be able to remain outdoors throughout the winter.

Mats and springs can be removed and stored indoors for the winter. The frame that is made of rust-resistant materials can be left all winter outdoors. LeJump trampolines use a high-quality all-weather coating to protect your trampoline when exposed to the weather.

You must keep the springs in a dry place and oil them before reinstalling the mat. To avoid problems, store everything in a dry place.

If you plan to use the trampoline in the wintertime:

Brush off snow, leaves, and other debris with a soft bristle brush. When clearing snow or debris, do not use a shovel; it will rip or damage the mat and net.

If you plan to leave your trampoline outdoors during the winter, ensure that your owner's manual says that you can. The majority of frames being built today use rust-resistant materials, but not all of them do. You can guarantee that your LeJump branded trampoline uses coating to protect the frame pieces from rust and weathering. There are also mats that are better suited for extreme weather.

In cases of high winds, be sure to anchor or store your trampoline correctly to ensure that it is structurally sound.

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