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Get Kids Active This Summer with a Trampoline

by Yi Liu 25 Jun 2021

As summer comes into full swing, it is time to get out and enjoy some fresh air with the family. After a year of spending time inside, online class, and isolation, nothing says summer fun like a trampoline.

A sizeable outdoor trampoline can accommodate one, two, or three children at a time, making for some exciting summer memories. Have some friends come over and enjoy a fantastic summer evening with some bouncing fun.

Our LeJump outdoor trampolines are designed to help your family have a new way to get active and have fun this summer. Get the kids some exercise and a great outdoor social activity with our top-of-the-line trampolines.

With our innovative designs, safety-focused construction, and family-focused mission, LeJump hopes to bring activity back.

Safe Summer Fun

After reading our previous blog about safe trampoline use in the summer, then your family is set to have a good time outside.

LeJump recommends taking the proper health and safety precautions before the use of a trampoline. Monitor the weather, make sure it will not be too hot or windy. High temperatures and sun exposure cause rapid fatigue, especially in children. Windy conditions can be unsafe when jumping high on the trampoline.

Trampolining is a great way to get some exercise and work muscle groups in the entire body. Your children will develop strength and muscle in various areas, especially in the legs and the core.

Conducting a proper stretch before getting on the trampoline will allow kids to play for longer with less fatigue and more flexibility. This is a great way to let them have some fun while also getting in a good workout.

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