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The Best Way To Properly Care For a Trampoline

by Yi Liu 19 Jun 2021

Here, we will explore three of the most critical steps to take good care of your trampoline. LeJump outdoor trampolines are built with weather-resistant parts and materials. However, you will still need to take care of the trampoline to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. Keep our three key steps in mind, and your trampoline will last as long as you need!

Remove Dirt and Debris from the Trampoline

A clean trampoline is one of the easiest ways to prolong its lifespan. However, leaving dirt and debris on the mat or in the springs can eventually cause damage.

To keep your trampoline clean, all you need is soap and water as well as a soft bristle brush. You can keep the surface clean in between cleanings with a simple spray of hose water.

Put the Trampoline in a Safe and Shady Space

In addition to keeping your trampoline looking great for many years to come, proper placement can also make it last longer.

UV rays cannot penetrate shaded spots, so they are ideal. However, it is best to avoid branches that may be low-hanging or loose from overhead trees. These branches can cause severe structural damage or pierce the jump mat.

Look for other surrounding objects that may pose a danger to jumping. Remember, as well, that you may find cleaning your trampoline more difficult in the fall and early winter if it is under a tree.

If you have a grill or outdoor fire pit, make sure you place your trampoline far enough away from them.

Check Your Trampoline Regularly

Regular inspection of your trampoline will guarantee that it is working correctly and that all use is safe and controlled. LeJump trampolines have one of the highest safety ratings in the market due to our patented safety features and designs. Make sure you inspect the trampoline regularly in the following ways to avoid accidents and injuries:

  1. Damage to the jumping mat from wear and tear or from sagging.
  2. A spring that is stretched too much or damaged.
  3. Frame connections are in good condition. Has the frame been bent? Broken welds?
  4. A frayed, ripped, holey, or improperly stitched mat.
  5. Embroidery or fabric damage.
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