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LeJump Takes on a New Design

by Yi Liu 23 Nov 2020

Welcome to the redesigned LeJump Trampoline website! We have been working passionately to update our brand and be more accessible for our LeJump families. With an all-new website, we are proud to share our amazing trampolines with more and more families around the world. 

In our first-ever blog post, we want to welcome everyone and explain some of our exciting new features that can be found here on our new platform.

We are excited to share this new website with everyone, as it is a place to communicate and learn about the best spring trampolines available. 

LeJump Takes on a New Design

Our New Features

On our new site, you will find many outstanding features:

  • Explore our products and discover the outstanding features that define LeJump Trampolines. 
  • Learn more about the LeJump company and our motivation to provide the best possible customer experience.
  • Connect with us on social media and share your LeJump stories

All of these features and many more are built as part of our initiative to reach out to our customers and connect with them in a more personal manner. 

You will find all things about LeJump Trampolines here on our site, but if you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to our professional service team. 

Revamped Customer Service

Now, it is easier than ever to contact our service team. Along with the nice new service form, you can send us direct messages, reach out to our email, or contact us directly through social media.

Regardless of where you contact us, our team is ready 24/7 to reply to your message. 

For any pre-sales questions about our products, services, and more, contact: 

For any after-sales services such as; warranty claims, installation questions, and more, contact:

Detailed Trampoline View

To match the detailed quality of our trampolines, we crafted this new website to offer a better look at the unique features of LeJump trampolines.

Here, you can explore more individual details of our trampolines and make a more informed purchase. Now, you can easily choose a trampoline that best meets your family's needs.

Regardless if you are shopping for our modern Pumpkin Series Trampoline or the classic Skysurf Series Trampoline, you will be able to find all of the necessary details. Once again, if there is anything further we can help you with, don't hesitate to contact our team.

Social Media Community

We have been working with families over the years and established a network of LeJump families around the globe. Each family has their own story with LeJump, and we want to provide a community platform for each family to share those stories.

If you post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or any platform, be sure to use #lejump so we can follow your story.

Families that share their experiences on social platforms will also receive a free gift from us! Just let us know when and where you posted.

To keep up with the LeJump, follow us here: 

Facebook: LeJump Trampoline

Instagram: @lejump_usa

YouTube: LeJump 

Keep Watching LeJump

A new website is just the beginning of what we have in store for the future of our brand and for the community.

Stay tuned to find out what is ahead and have a chance to be involved in the exciting upcoming LeJump events and announcements.

We are proud to have such a wonderful community of LeJump families and we are excited to see the growth of that community! 

Thank you for your support! 

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